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What are the benefits of training with medicine balls?
What are the benefits of training with medicine balls?

A medicine ball is basically a weighted ball with an inner tube, usually made from neoprene, to help stabilize the weight. The medicine ball serves an important function in the world of sports medicine to increase neuromuscular coordination and strength. It has been utilized for decades and many studies have been done on the benefits of medicine balls. A major benefit of the ball is that it forces the user to utilize abdominal muscles that are not usually used during normal exercises. This forces the user to push through the pain to achieve their goals.


One of the primary benefits of medicine balls is that they can be extremely effective if they are used in conjunction with regular weight training exercises. When weight lifting and conditioning are done correctly, the weighted balls can increase the intensity of exercises by putting more resistance on the muscles. If you do not have a medicine ball or a barbell to work with, you may be forced to use your own body weight as resistance. Some individuals prefer to perform squats and pushups because they have a barbell to work with, which is much easier for them to lift.

The benefits of training with the best medicine balls are apparent when they are combined with strength training and other exercises that are performed properly. Many gyms have a wall ball rack where a person can obtain additional training equipment to strengthen their core muscles. Individuals should take advantage of a professional gym's wall balls because they are effective in working multiple areas of the body at once.

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